Fallout 4 best perks for survival
Fallout 4 best perks for survival

Think of this as another defensive option on top of the Armourer perk.

fallout 4 best perks for survival

At least take one or both of these perks to the second before last level, save the other two perk points for something else. Respectively, the max level for hacking simply gets rid of being locked out of terminals which also gets rid of the challenge. Max lockpicking will let you run around with one unbreakable bobby pin, which we feel makes the mini-game too easy and breaks the challenge. Both are great regardless but we would also like to warn you about levelling these particular perks all the way, as they could be a waste. Choose whichever suits you best, and pick up the other perk when you have the points available. In our balanced build we preferred to go with lockpicking due to the abundance of bobby pins and the ease of the lockpicking mini game in comparison its hacking counter-part. To combat this problem, you will need one of these two room opening/safe cracking perks. Of course when exploring the wastes you will come across many terminals and/or locks that can be a pain when you’re on your quest for booty. Locksmith/Hacking – Requires 4 Perception or Intelligence respectively If it’s surprisingly higher in comparison to a normal settler, quickly save your game and purge with your weapon of choice.

fallout 4 best perks for survival

An easy way to identify them is to check their energy resistance in any clothing or armour they may be in. Awareness will help you identify these bad guys before they strike. As you progress through the game and your settlements grow, some of your homestead dwellers can be replaced with institute synths that, at any point, could start destroying fundamental parts of your base. Lastly it also has a passive trait when managing the settlers in your settlements. On top of this you can also see the enemy’s level, identifying whether the upcoming confrontation will be a challenge or simply a bump in the road. No use using a radiation weapon on a ghoul for example when you can just pelt him with lead. First, it allows you to see specific enemy resistances which can assist with not just your damage output but also your ammo consistency. Only requiring one perk point to get the full effectiveness, Awareness comes in very handy for a multitude of different reasons. The only reason why you wouldn’t take this perk is if you are a maniac and enjoy deploying kamikaze tactics, or you simply rely on chems and certain companion perks in order to help you in the defence department. The later levels of this perk will give you some of the best misc mods for your armour as well as the defence and resistance upgrades, allowing you to build for weight, sneaking or all-out defence. With armour playing a huge role this time around in Fallout 4 allowing you to equip individual pieces to undergarments, getting and levelling up the Armourer perk is a big priority.

Fallout 4 best perks for survival