thanks and have fun playing rome 2 guys *. POST A COMMENT AND TELL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS OR YOUR* I have a lot more ideas for the map its just do you need it or want it. Guys when rome 2 get released do you want me to create alot better map(graphicly) with features like : every city will have difficulty rating (for reagion capital from 5 to 10 stars and for settlements from 1 to 5 stars) how hard is to capture that city and rating for how much profitable will be if you did capture it, so u can plan your conquest and see more clearly what path to take in conquering. Images that u can download are updated and new painting map added. Zoom capabilities and hand draging(you can now zoom in with mouse wheel and hold the left mouse click to drag the map around). Removed Full screen button instead added hide/show button for 7 world wonders.
Added 7 wonders of the world (on mouse over box pop-out with description). Added support the project! button (if you like the map you can support the project, i would really appreciate it). Region capital cities now have different color icons and circle around it. Fixed colors for Egypt, Pantus and Parthia (Egypt-Dark Blue, Pontus-Yellow, Parthia-Dark Purple). Province names added and button to hide it added. You can now hide city locations and city names separetly. For Carthage and Egypt regions added that i forgot. Epirus color slightly changed so it can be more visable. Some province and Region borders corrected. For city names stroke added for better visibility. More citys added with their names and locations. (sometimes site goes offline for few minutes also wait few seconds before refreshing or giving up, it takes long to load). Programs used to create this map: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash. If you see something in the map that i did wrong/incorrect or you have some new information that map doesn't have post a comment here i will it and update the map (when you poste new stuff please include a link to back it up). (its in flash you can download Big resolution images and flash map has some cool stuff added to it, you can hide city locations faction starting points, regions, province names and city names to see better and much more). Hello guys i recreated Rome 2 campaign map from the new stuff we were getting from CA, the map has all its provinces and regions and most of the city locations and their names.